I only played until pickaxe, but enjoyed the sense of exploration and Blorb.
- Music is nice
- The dev graphics are charming and have a decent amount of variation
- Writing is fun
- Blorb’s portrait brings me great joy
Not good:
- Collision detection is a bit janky (can’t go through what looks like 1-til gaps between trees and walls, sometimes empty parts of Blorb’s sprite gets caught on corners of scenery)
- Enemies can shoot across screens
- Some walls don’t line up between screens (it looks like there’s a large open edge you can traverse to the next screen, but the next screen only has a 2-unit high gap that the player can’t see)
- Being frozen while picking up mushrooms initially felt strange (I expect walk-over pickups to be instant), but I suppose it adds to the tension during a night time run