I laughed so much! This is such a funny game :D It is also very well put together. The puzzles did actually require us to work - I like that. And I don't think the game is punishing at all - it is just loyal to the premise (plus, we do have the option to save the game, so nothing is lost).
I must admit though, despite the allusions to the empress, I don't think it fits the jam's theme a lot.
[spoiler alert]
Minor concerns:
During the detective game, I originally guessed the maid, because she said she was preparing a shower and not a bath. I don't think you can prepare a shower.
Related to this - guessing the maid doesn't kill you. I did get the warning from the alien that she is going to kill me, but the death sequence is not triggered.
Edited to add: a friend of mine also played the game, and guessing the wife doesn't kill you either (don't know if it's the same with the rest of the NPCs). In addition, when trying to suspect the Cook or the Guard, the prompt says 'are you sure you want to write "the Butler" on the note?' instead of the relevant NPC's name.