This game is a rather good time waster. You never feel pressured to get to the end, but only to save the smol crabs. This game has a nice amount of replayability, I just wish the guy would read chapter two 😂😂
I proceeded to play the game until I noticed the bug, forgot to pause, then died with 260 stars.
Three things:
Theres a minor visual bug when you get to the third upgrade of the SandCastle. An extra dot gets filled when its not supposed to (See Video of Castle Visual for what happens)
When you lose a game while hovering over a building thats upgrade three is locked (even sometimes when theres nothing on screen and you lose), sometimes it stays on screen through to the next play through.
If you lose a game after getting all the upgrades in the research building, they stay throughout every other play through even after another loss.