Music goes crazy, I'll say that
I find myself to have a hard time knowing where to place things. I assume that I can place them somewhere, then proceed to get beeped by the game saying "nuh uh!". I had this particular issue especially with the torch, I'd somehow manage to get 2 to 4 of them per game then be unable to use them until something caught fire, then could only use it on the fire.
Sometimes the arsenal of weapons in which you were given weren't able to destroy the building on the left as everything shot right.
All in all, the game does exactly as it needs to. Its clever use of "Break the loop" had me giggling for a little. You always knew how much you were destroying and how close an object was to being fully destroyed. I found it funny how sometimes things would float up with the balloon.
After a little thought I also realized why theres no restart button (Its because you cant create a loop in a game thats meant to break a loop) lol
Very interesting game to say the least and one that fit the theme in a very cheeky way