Thank you for playing my game.
The tasks need a villager to be started. You start with one villager, so when you punch the berry tree, no more free villager is available. You need to stop punching the berry tree to start another task.
I basically start the game, click "Punch berry tree", then a berry is gathered. The moon does not progress any further and altough I still got a villager, after stopping punching the tree I am not able to click anything else.
Something is broken, but I don’t know what it is.
You have gathered one very, at least the Food amount should be one.
Can you please open the JavaScript console and send a screenshot of it.
I’ve uploaded another build of the game here. I hope that one will be fine.
Yeah thank you. I got the same error on Firefox.
I found the issue, when you completed the first quest, the activity log tried to scroll to the last content using the function scrollIntoViewIfNeeded(). Still, Firefox doesn’t recognise it as a function.