Simple but interesting. The random names generated for every piece of equipment can be quite fun. :)
The game has limited options of strategic gameplay, but there is some tactical movement and positioning. The player can only move in cardinal directions and cannot wait, while enemies also move in ordinal directions. This means they will catch up to you when you round a corner, but also that you can bait them to come closer by using corridor corners. As health is only replenished by level-ups and potions rarely dropped by defeated enemies, it's a good idea to always get the first strike to minimize damage taken.
Dungeon floors grow larger as you descend, and frankly a bit too large for the limited amount of content. The stairs down are, however, rather easy to find, so if you don't need to explore the whole level, just leave once you feel like it. Difficulty ramps up rapidly on floor 4, where trolls start to appear. Unless you found some weapon and armour, which is not always the case, you will probably die. Another jump is on floor 8 where suddenly there be dragons, and I have yet to survive those for more than a single encounter.