Okay well it's done, the final dungeon of doom conquered for the second time.
I admit that this time around I did sort of cheat a bit, or rather because I was aware of the stats necessary to finish the final dungeon I knew what I was going for, so I just bought lots of upgrades for sven and the penguin and let things run until I could get enough upgrades for Derek. This plan was also rather augmented by the fact that whilst I left my computer on all friday night resource gathering, I also ended up leaving it on all day yesterday since I wound up spending a lovely day with my lady rather than smacking Jerk's around :D.
so where before I finished the final dungeon with 6800 strength and 3600 health, and it became quite a struggle, this time around I had 7260 strength and 4200 health, as well as over 60 bull farts (had to use that gold for something), and it was far less of a struggle. Though I didn't make use of the farts until the number of Jerks exceeded my amount of health, actually I did have one nasty moment around floor 90 when I fought 3500 odd Jerks and finished with just 13 health, so resorted to gas power after that :D>
Either way, all finished now and I can move on to Burger's story propper, which I'm quite looking forward to.b