You can still play at the website at, not sure if that helps with your fullscreen issue but I'm also going to add an easier way to switch into that. Eventually we'll also have a native executable with that on by default, and separate help screens.
Newly added to TODO
- Only remove animals if not in sight (for x turns)
- Fainting at 2AM with full stamina is not very clear. Options:
- Remove
- Change it so that you get more tired as you get closer to the night
- Change max stamina based on time of day.
- Plant berries, create berry gardens.
- Add wooden gate: Cost 1 wood
- Produce 2 or 3 units of wood per tree.
- Min stone produce should be 1 per rock.
- Rest command to recover 1 stamina point.
- Stamina recovery when resting or sleeping should be based on how comfortable you are. (Instead of just safe/unsafe/fainted and fullSleep/nap)
- Craft chair, you can rest on it for higher stamina recovery.
- Resting or sleeping next to a fireplace should boost stamina recovery.
- Easily accesible full screen mode
- Reconsider Ctrl as default pick up due to issues with Mac
Already in the TODO list
- Improve "Nap", less prompts, more stamina recovery.
- Sleep in bed
- Save game