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bug report: it says to play Fuck Marry Kill with the two people nearest to you, but how do you play FMK with only two choices?

also my compatriots would like to formally object that this game implies eating cake with someone is a metaphor for a sex act, which is, apparently, clear and total nonsense

it could perhaps use some advice for dealing with powergaming.  for example, my immediate thought is that i would attempt to win immediately by offering to the entire group that we share the whole cake, right here, right now

alternatively, since this game models sex as a finite resource, i could simply eat the entire cake and explain i am jacking off in my room alone for the entirety of spring break.  then no one else would be able to have sex, OR have cake

we also have a rules question: if, during the course of the game, two players sneak off to have actual sex, does that mean that in-character they shared a slice of cake?


this is fascinating and i regret that i don't have a huge clump of people to try it with.  although honestly, if you have 8+ people together, chances are some of them are generating real sex-drama anyway.

a+ on the careful handling of subject matter, though it's interesting that the metarules make so much mention of the handling of sexual assault, and then the rules don't mention it at all.  so i guess that happens if players propose "i am forcing you" and their partners agree??  (or maybe if they just throw cake at each other.)  damn, that's a lot darker out-of-game than a surface reading would suggest.

i'm dying to know how a game of this would play out in practice.  it seems easy to just not have any sex, avoiding both in-game drama and out-of-game embarrassingly candid conversations, but...  but then...  but then you don't get any cake.  fuck.  you've thought of everything!


This is the first time I've ever gotten a bug report, and I appreciate it!