I am going to add a story mode that will be taking through the whole experience. I am almost sure that there is a group of people who will play that mode (that will last for 2 hours) and will be happy with the experience. Then some of them may do it again. Maybe a few times (as it will incorporate procedural generation). Most likely, there are not going to be any menus. There will be some UI bits that will work partially as mini puzzles, partially as tutorial for the main mode.This is going to happen and I hope that it will be a fun experience.
Having said that, I don't want to make just an experience. I don't want to just have "oh, you can walk around" effect. I want to make a game. A game that will get into some people's brains and they will think about different strategies, builds, etc. That's why it has to be complex enough. I do love roguelites. There are people who enjoy them too. That's why I need some gameplay mechanics that you may find not necessary.
And I do see faults in the current menu system and it is going to be reworked. I want to make the first contact with the game as easy as possible (ideally, there should be just one question right at the beginning and then the game should start, that is: you should enter the world and walk around). But it's not wise to spend time reworking the menus when there's no actual game.
Now there's content for maybe 10, 20 minutes? You can play it over and over but without anything more you will get the same thing that may get boring quite quickly. Polishing that and releasing a 10-20 minutes game is not what I'd like to do :(
That's reasonable and wise thing you said about looking with the fresh eyes. The thing that you don't see is a pile of things that were let go because of that. Again, the game is not finished, far from finished. I am working on the gameplay core loop and it is the middle part of the game. The menus and basically the whole structure is build to allow jump into that part and test it, experience it.
Just please, give it some more time, wait until I say "that's it, that's how I wanted the game to be, that's when you can actually play it as the whole thing".
But I feel that I should add an information about the game being "work in progress".