Hello. I've been playing My Little Blacksmith shop for less than a day and have been enjoying it greatly. I have encountered several bugs and was wondering if you had any fixes to them. I will go through the conversation as thoroughly as I can but will still list the bugs in case you haven't encountered them before. I am running the game version 0.0.7 on a 64-bit Windows 7.
The first bug is whenever you continue a saved game all pre-made weapons that haven't been sold yet break apart in the spots they were left and the blades are "heated." I just have to cool the blades and put them back together but it's still a bit annoying.
The second issue is whenever I have pre-made weapon that the current customer wants on the bedroom side shelf the customer turns toward the shelf so I can't see what they want exactly even if I go to face them. Again not a game breaking issue.
The worst one is when I try to change the name and color for my outside shop sign the options for the sign does not go away when I click "done." It's as if the "done" button does not register the mouse clicking on it. I can continue the game by pressing esc->continue or z->z but the sign options stay on the screen. I can get rid of it by restarting the game but when I do that the first bug happens again and the sign information has not changed even when I save before I do so.
The last bug is when I order tin blocks, heat them and turn them into dagger blades they become copper. havent been able to afford more to try again but that's what happened the first time.