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The sketches are adorable, and the core gameplay loop of "figure out what this new verb does while you wait for your next one to unlock" is solid, also providing reasons to go back to old monsters to get more info.

The big problems are pacing (the game absolutely grinds to a halt after unlocking the second verb) and opaqueness. It took me a *long* while to figure out that the combination of mood icons on the top right was what determined when there was new data, and that you could get more data through restraining, just through trial and error.

I like this game a lot, though! If you make a sequel or somethin', I'd love to see monster-specific verbs that unlock with research, which would help pay off the feeling of "aha, I understand this monster now!" and also potentially make it a little easier to handle monsters on your fourth or fifth catch, trying to find that last entry.