About the 16gb Tesla, I am currently on GTX 1070 and the maximum size it can handle is 500 Pixel.
I think the VRAM can correlate to how big the frames can be rendered in linear fashion. (Without the split frames section being selected).
I have tested a GTX 1050 with 2gb of VRAM (120-140px), 1050 ti 4gb (240-260px), and GTX 1070 8gb (480-500px).
All are tested personally by me and not taken from other sources.
If we calculate the frames that your gpu is able to make, it will be 2x bigger than mine, about 960-1000px.
I know this sounds such a turn off but it is in Alpha state, and as you can see from the error codes, you can tell it is still not yet optimized properly and needed some more time to mature.
All you can do is wait it out to be better, it is just ridiculous to think you have to spend on a 24gb gpu to render a 1080p native file without the artifacts.