Thanks for your kind words.
The best way to learn coding is to just start. Create small projects with some topics you are intersted in. You can use google, there are many people who shared their code for many different type of projects. You can start to use only their code and try to understand it. Google every keywords, syntax,... you don't know and comment the lines of the code to understand it.
After that, you will have to try to modify others code or you can write your own small programs with code snippets from the internet.
Forums like stackoverflow are very useful to learn programming, because you will find many code snippets of experienced programmers and questions from learning coders.
There will be one day that all the code makes sense (at least I made that experience). Now you can write more and more your own code. Everytime you don't know a solution, you can use the internet, but don't be to lazy, try to find your own solution by thinking logical step by step first.
One last important advice: Don't copy and paste others code! Copy their code by writing it yourself. This will help you to learn the syntax and error messages from the console.
The rest is more experience. If you stuck with a problem, you will always find a solution, just be patient. You will learn more and more, also concepts like oop or component based coding, but you have to learn and UNDERSTAND the basics first.
Feel free to ask any questions you may have.