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Wow, just wow, I'm stunned. This is honestly amazing and I'm not just saying that because I like over-complicated games. A 9/10 on Game Design to be sure, with that one point missing due to how easy it is to trigger an overheat and have to start all over.

On the contrary to previous comments, yes make this a full game. But again, make sure to rework that overheating thing. I also love how the instructions were always randomized, which forces the player to learn what the instructions mean instead of relying on muscle memory to solve all of their problems. That's really something missing in games nowadays so I would be all for supporting this kind of a design choice.

Just maybe consider having a tutorial in a full release instead of a super-long level 1 and introducing different mechanics as the game goes on, but given jam constraints I don't think the game has any serious issues. It could use some audio work, but the visuals get the job done.

All in all great job, hope you pursue it further in the future. Nice job !


Thank you so much for your words, I didn't expect that someone could appreciate the game this much.

The point on the random instruction was exactly what I wanted to achieve, I just didn't want people to develop muscle memory and also I didn't want to make the players perform the same exact actions in general.

If I ever get to be foolish enough to turn this into a full release of course I would add a tutorial and much more content in general. 

I hear you on the overheat thing. Sadly I had nobody to playtest this and since I've been dealing with this from the start I could pass all the levels with ease, so I couldn't really have any  real feedback to regulate it. The audio too needed more elements, like sounds for the display and things like that, I agree.

Thank you so much again!