Hi Nigel,
First off, let me thank you very much for the purchases.
I dont know what happened to the link - it shows 0 bytes.
I have since re-uploaded the z80 file so please try to download again.
If you still have issues with downloading, you can also try my alternate site of https://sites.google.com/site/bootleggersrealm/Downhome/Topic3 which has it in tap format, and also the source code if you are interested in the code behind it all.
I do hope you enjoy the game, and I highly recommend using a currah microspeech device if you are playing on real hardware, or if emulating, try using the Spectaculator emulator as this does a very good job of the currah emulation.
Also, if you are interested, I developed this for the Paul Jenkinson The Spectrum Show series, so if you have an interest in all things Spectrum, I highly recommend watching the series. This was included in Season 5 from episode 1, or Episode #41