You know Hardwood exists with oak and if someone were give wiki to codegoons to understand why there are people who will be technical on that subject. Softwoods are caliber exist with pine and Spruce.
Pacific Albus and Rubber tree
Pulp wood that consider either too flame-able or more dense wood perfect for paper and other means. Like Eucalyptus, You find that Pulpwood wiki.(sap wood is essential making decent pulp that could include sugar pines you know).
Is there replanting mechanic in game like have sapling event where you gain after you chopped a tree down? Replant somewhere or is there a possible regrowth means so you don't have to do painstaking replanting measure?
Codegoons could update his game with data or he could just say its just game I don't need to be technical. Anyone else want this data for there game its for anyone else if you need more data you go wikipedia...