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(3 edits) (+13)(-1)

Their most recent post anywhere is from 3 months ago on their Tumblr, and everything else has been collecting dust for 2+ years. The post provides no information on their general radio silence and just consists of a promo image and a mostly-general 'go check out our game on!' message. Based on the caption, it seems like they're still in the planning process...they're designing more characters to add, it looks like. This is really surprising (and discouraging) to me, given that this project has been under development in some capacity since 2012 -- that is, if the datestamps of early posts on the Lemmasoft forums are to be believed. If they're still that early in development after 9 years, then...well, it doesn't bode well for a release.

Their other game's dev process stretched from 2013-2018 (using the same markers), so they've clearly established that they are low-communication and low-speed, and working on their games is low-priority for them. They did eventually release a product the first(?) time, and, strangely, that was during the development of TPM. What that says to me is: they don't want to prioritize this project for whatever reason. I could be wrong about that last bit, but all in all, I wouldn't hold my breath for a release any time soon, if at all. :/

I hold no animosity for the devs at all; they're a tiny team providing free art to the public, and I understand why this may be low priority. This would be a different story if they were accepting donations in any way, but they're not (to my knowledge). Still, this radio silence is a bit absurd...I'm kind of concerned about them. Please be respectful: don't just demand to "know the date when it is done right now" -- it's pushy and rude.

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They make game in space time and have the real life job, that reason alone speak loud why the development this slow. Not to mention they did animated, voice, planning words count around 400+ and the game system is a little complicated to coding (I've my own experience so I understand too well the development hell). And I agree that the fan don't put high hope as the development still got a long time to go, and we don't know what will occur to them (which will effect the project as well).