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So this isn't a bug per se, but I think it would be helpful if you would put plot choice summaries (empire/rebellion/various romance options) in the initial character creation like you have with the classes.  Also the ability to go back to previous choices without having to completely reset everything.

I also have a question about the romance options-for the ones that could be continued from the first game, you say that you don't have to stay with them for the second game, but can you start a relationship with them (so like if you pick no one can you later start a relationship)?

Yes you can start as "single" and then romance anyone, including the original love interests, not just the new ones.

Awesome, thank you for clarifying!

No problem, you're welcome. However I should point out that doing so you miss a lot of early dialogues for each character (since they refer to specific events in the main plot). I'd recommend maybe to replay the game in VN mode if you want to play different routes.