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Hey Dasius.

Already made a post on some bugs that I found, however, here to give some ideas that I had during play.

Something that I thought that would be a nice addition to the game is an oil container, just like the water one, so the blades could be tempered.

Some other things that I think would be nice to have on game are some more specific orders, for example, a customer would come to the shop and ask for a Tin One Hand Sword. This would be nice to see. And of course, if we're working with specific metals, the metals itself could be unlocked by gaining experience instead of just money. By the way, a exp meter would bem nice too.

One last thing. Customers could place an "hard to do order" (for example, a blade with some crests on it, which could be a nice add to the game) and come pick it after some time, or you could just send someone to give them the blade and bring you the money. In fact, there could be something like a story behind it, when your "deliverer" betrays you and rob your money, and open up a shop by himself. Some sales competition would be nice xD

I think that's it by now, dunno if you think there are some good or usable ideas here, but those are some things that I would like to see on the game.

By the way, thanks for that awesome game. As soon as I get my credit card, I will pay for it, I swear xD!