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Cool game overall, but you can’t really tell if a zombie is alive or not, also, the game’s pacing is a bit too slow, making the game boring in a few cases. Lastly, the game doesn’t let you skip the story, and you are forced to read the story before you can proceed to the next level, which is annoying at times.

However, the graphics look great and I can definitely see you getting inspiration from Doom. 

 If you allow the players to skip the story, and make the game a bit more fast-paced, this game will be perfect!

Keep up the great work!

Thanks a lot for the feedback! I believe the zombie problem has been fixed in the v1.1 because their way of movement has been changed, though it is still up to feedback to decide. The rest is indeed to be tinkered with.

By the way, did you play v1.1 or the jam version?

I played the jam version. Will check the new one too!