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Name: Samantha Chesterfeild

Age as of death: 14

Cause of death: Brute force to the abdominal area, ruptured organs, and multiple stab wounds piercing the skull. 

Samantha was that girl that everyone wanted to be, but never could. She had an unending supply of bravery, that never served her well, as the things that she was brave enough to do were things that gave the most brutal consequences. She had been dared to pierce her skin, leaving her with an eyebrow piercing that her parents never would agree with. When the rain had just stopped one day, someone in the school cafeteria had told her that he would give Samantha $15 if she climbed to the top of the slippery boulders that were hard enough to climb when dry. The kid was testing her, seeing where the extent of her mindless bravery stopped. And of course she took him up on the offer. When recess was announced after lunch, every 8th grader ran out to see her pull the stunt. And so Samantha started the treacherous, slimy, climb. Eventually, after many falls, bruises, and tiny cuts, she made it to the top. She yelled out her victory while the kid started to pull the dollars out of his wallet. Samantha then deciding she would take the stunt even farther. The school kids watched as she slowly stood up on the slippery, uneven rocks. They gasped as she slipped over her untied boot laces- and plunged onto the smaller, sharper rocks. She was rushed to the hospital right away. Her body had hit first, causing them to bleed, and needed surgery due to the bleeding and the fact that one of her lungs had holes in it from the sharp boulders. Her face had hit after, the eyebrow piercing lodging itself into her skin from the impact. Her upper lip had been torn, and there was blood constantly pouring out of her mouth, like juice from a pitcher. As she lay in the cot, in the clean, white hospital bedroom after the surgery, the pain of it all was unbearable. The pain of her organs, preventing her from eating, the pain of her head, from the concussion and her lip, and the pain of existing like this. It was torture, and she wanted to escape. There was still operating tools on the wheeled table next to her. She knew she was going to die anyway, did she want to die slowly, in a hospital bed? No. She going to pull one last stunt. Samantha slowly swung her legs over the cot, (thank god they didn't take as much impact) and fumbled her way over to the table. She grabbed the large scalpel. One last stunt. One last stunt to show them all. She bit her lips, and plunged the surgical knife into her head. The pain was awful, her eyes blanking out, the tears welling in the corners of her eyes. She stabbed again. And again. And again. She couldn't see, the pain was so sharp. But she stumbled quickly down the clean hospital halls. She started to pick up pace as her legs got used to running. She heard nurses give chase, and then 




Now she stays on this earth as a demon, whispering ideas into other's ears, giving them the bravery to stupidly do fatal stunts.





thats scary 0-0

glad you liked it!

that was a lot of reading OwO THANKS FOR GIVING ME NEW NIGHTMARES ;)

It's what I was going for UwU

i was being sarcastic.But i LOVE the story btw.LOVE IT.Man i sware you could be a very famous authe

I would like to polish it a bit, since it's not perfect, but maybe I could let you read my story about spider-people

i was being sarcastic.But i LOVE the story btw.LOVE IT.Man i sware you could be a very famous auther

if I come up with more nightmare stuff I will post in in this thread! probably. unless I get yelled at for keeping this one going haha

so does this mean you're planning on continuing this nightmare run?



they call me the fastest spook in the west

judging by your profile, are you a fellow ace


aw yea boi







I want to do story just like this!I'm inspired!

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yehaa I've inspired creativity

edit: thanks for following me bro that means a lot❤

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Edit:I made a story for you and fandomhopper

mcthankies from mcspankies