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I've got some ideas on what to add, please read this.

1. Make the map bigger, add more secrets, and crystals. I for one am the type of person who likes to take the time to look over the whole map.

2. Make it so you can customize and expand you shop for money, I don't really like the lay out (that's just me). But I think this would add another aspect to the game.

3. PLEASE make racks for weapons and shields, that have similar mechanics to the anvil. So items just "click" in place.

4. Make it so the A.I. can take stuff off of those racks and buy them, (if you do this multiple people could come in at once).

5. If my idea #4 happens make it so the number of customers increase every day, like your shop becomes more popular every day.

6. Make charisma gives you more money, i'm at level ten. Selling adelite, and it is only giving me around $12 extra, if you don't increase the amount it gives you normally make it give more when you sell better material.

7. Make items like crates heavier, I've had delivery crates fly across the map. I must say it isn't much fun to get them back.

8. Give the golem a friend, I think he is lonely that's why he is pacing around.

I've got plenty more in my head but I need to get back to my shop, thank you for taking the time to read my suggestions.

Hey SlimeyFlames,

Cool ideas, i'll look into it.