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Have you ever had the desire to write your initials in wet cement?  Every time! I did it once when my grandparents were building a wood shed but they asked me and my sister to do it so it was legit.
You ever gone mountain biking? Yes I have, but not on a mountain! There are trails all over my hometown. My favorite runs through Reservoir Woods.
What do you want to be when you grow up? 
Someone people can look to for inspiration or encouragement? 
What's the right tip? Nothing less than 20%. (Stealing from Jeff who had the right answer)
Have you called a plumber to your home lately? 
Not lately, but the last time someone in my family did it was ten years ago because my cousin flushed an apple core down the toilet and it exploded our pipes 
How superstitious are you? 
I'm a little stitious in that I kind of believe in ghosts and luck?
How much money would it take to make you spend a night in a cemetery? 
How much you got?
Would you display this as a trophy?
Yeah probably, it looks weird and cool.
Do you have a pet? 
Many! A leopard gecko named Otachi, a king snake named Crowley, a cat named Thumper (we call her Baby), and many houseplants!
Do you have a sweet tooth? Abso-fucking-lutely
Do you believe in the power of a curse? 
Yes, but only if you mean it.
Have you had your hearing tested lately? 
Not in a while.
Planning a trip soon? 
Hopefully one in July but we'll see!
Can you remember the tallest man you've ever seen? 
I try to be the tallest man in the room so if you're taller than me you don't deserve time in my brain (unless we're friends)
Do you love to go a wanderin' beneanth the clear blue sky? 
Hell. Yes.
Have you noticed what big stars real estate agents have become? 
Like the Property Brothers?
Are you careful with your personal records? 
I keep them un-filed in a cardboard box in my closet like any self-respecting Millenial.
Does your computer ever seem to have a mind of its own? 
Yes, it routinely acts like simple tasks are too difficult and will spool up its fan like it's trying to break orbit if I so much as *look* at Audacity.
Have you ever visited a Chinatown section of a major city? 
We have Frogtown in Saint Paul that hosts a lot of Hmong markets in the summer! My bus commute to work takes me through it every day. (city founders named it that because of all the hjorny frogs trying to fjuck that made nights extremely Loud)
Have you ever visited a flea market? 
Only a few times but it was great!
Have you ever visited a truck stop? 
Yep! I love driving long distance & they're good spots to gas up & grab some grub.
Have you ever had a job as a waiter? 
Nope! I interviewed at an Olive Garden once but they never called me back.
Have you noticed how many successful restaurants are theme based these days? 
The guy who owns Rainforest Cafe  lives in Minnesota and has a few other themed restaurants that all are Not That Great.

I feel you RE: Olive Garden not getting back to you. I've been there.