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Hey leafo! Thanks again for the reply! I was just wondering because I'm getting repeated emails from a Chinese gaming platform or something...can't really see much about it on google (it's called moodaaa digital or something like that). Anyway, if people from China can just purchase through anyway then I'm not interested in having it published through them.

Thanks again!


I got approached by Moodaaa too but when I asked them where are they selling the keys, they didn't answer. Seems really sketchy.

Did they tell you anything else?


Hey! thanks for sharing that. No I didn't get any other information. The email doesn't even provide a name of who it is that is contacting you. I searched on google for moodaaa and found one link to like "" or something like that but I didn't click on it because it would immediately expose my router ip to them if it was a scam thing or something. Which I don't think it is (no particular reason just feeling). I think it's just somebody trying to setup some kind of gaming platform/distribution thing but doesn't have the "presence" yet. (like a startup).

That's basically all my thoughts on it.


I used this: to see the website and this is what it looked like:

I think the whole thing is a scam

That looks a bit too minimalist alright.