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(1 edit) (+3)

Hello, Very fun game so far. Suggestion to add stuff:

1. Battle axes

2. Armor (chest plate, grieves, boots, etc.)

3. Set our own prices (too high they won't buy it, and too low you won't make money).

4. Ease up on the later days timers, or fix the bug where if you premake the item the customer bugs out. (I guess make it more of a tycoon type game where you are trying to have the best shop, not the fastest. It becomes more like those 'build a burger or pizza' type games where you race a clock and it loses its enjoyment/low stress playability, at least for me and becomes a tedious grind). Edit: Instead of the time limit being the main point of the game, make a rating system so that after crafting you may have made a 50% quality item, so it will sell for less, when you get better at making the items you will get closer to 100% quality and make more money that way. I hope this was clear, if there is any confusion on what I mean I can go into more detail.

5. Some customization to the house/shop.

6. Some type of signature type or styling for your shop (if they come to your shop they will get sword 2 or 3 variant for example).

7. If there aren't any customers you could sell items to a local market or send items out for delivery instead of the customer having to come in.

These are just a few suggestions. Like I said I am enjoying the game so far and hope to see more. I know creating a game is not easy (quite the opposite actually) and I'm sure this is worked on in the developers free time as a side project. But, I would love to see more and can't wait for the developer to get more support from the community. Please keep up the good work and hopefully a new distribution channel will become available to you so you can have the support needed to continue working on it and even go full time developing it.

If you do like any of my suggestions and choose to implement them I demand royalties! <-----(100% joking)

Hey jonscott,

Very interesting suggestions. Hopefully I can get them in in the future. Will be tough but not impossible.

Thank you!!