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(1 edit)

Im gonna copy paste something I wrote on a forum, hopefully you can answer, Hyao:

IDK, I really feel, as if I was "Forced" to go the "GOOD Lizard Ending" + "DIScourage Logan" ways... Facepalms...

I did BAD ending and ENcourage, and I see there is WAY WAY less content.

Apparently you can make Logan fall in love? There is very little content if ENcourage and becomes bottom... Also BAD ending for lizard, doesnt have this thing I'm reading, where you can make Rhot fall in love.

Meh, I'm 150-200 days in, and Im really thinking of begginning anew.

PS: I cant unlock any of the content in this patch, appart from the minotaur Ste thing (Which I was expecting more from, at least a picture and more dialogue)... Ehh...

Cant seem to continue with the Werewolf stuff. I talked to the witch (But says/shows nothing new), to Harold (The wife talk), and beat Werewolf Bernard twice again, nothing happens.

I'd appreciate opinions about this please. Thx I love you all.

Edit: Maybe I can begin anew with the Android version, on the phone it might feel different and not so much of "Homework".