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First off, I want to say that SweetChiel's art is already improved from Nusantara: Legend of the Winged Ones (though I personally think it was already stellar so colour me impressed). Once again, SweetChiel has successfully created unique characters and is keeping up with the theme of them being demi humans!

I will admit when I saw Kah'lil, I was worried since I've seen his style of character in other games. Usually with Kah'lil's character style, I end up having mixed feelings about them where I either love them and think they are well executed OR they end up being the bane of my play through one way or another. xP All that being said about Kah'lil, I have not yet seen this happen and when I first met his character I was pleasantly surprised. As I've only read what the demo has to offer as of April 5, 2020, I'm hoping it stays that way.

Gunter and Arya are fun to watch interact! For Gunter, I am finding that he is just marshmallow on the inside with that tough exterior. Gunter also has a lot of my favorite aesthetics and character traits that I enjoy reading, so he is in the lead for being my favorite. I state that because of his take charge attitude while also still being considerate of this rag-tag group's needs. I hope to see more of his character develop as the story progresses.

Arya, hard a** that he is, keeps me on my toes. I do want to know what brand his laptop is though since he can still use it with no outlets about to keep it charged. Currently running on the theory that the Goddess did some magic or something to keep it running; or that it is part of his… quirkiness? I don't know but he is amazing. His character design is probably my favorite because it is a style I have not seen with hints of familiarity. I do have the same question as Maya as to how he gets stuff for half price (teach me your ways good sir!).

If you had to ask me who my number one favorite was, I am hard pressed to answer. They all are making me laugh and seem to all care (in their own ways of course) about Maya. With what the demo has shown me, I am leaning towards Gunter as my favorite but the other two are not far behind!

-- I do want to let you, SweetChiel, know that while I was playing, the status page in the menu still shows Maya's name as the default. Even when you change it. I mentioned this in a reply on Legend of the Winged Ones and wanted to make sure you caught it for when you continue polishing! --

Looking forward to your next update SweetChiel! Take care of yourself and stay safe.
