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first off next time tone down the warp filter on the title screen, its at a level its just destructs the ability to play. if there is a way to turn it off i cant see it, at least its not at the same level in-game.

also play attention to the font your using and how its displayed, the introduction is kinda hard to read due to parts of the letters being missing.

the hitbox on the player is a bit too big for theses kinda shooter games (most shooters have it at the center or at your feet), i didnt notice this wasn't the case so i died right away (like an idiot).

player feedback can be very muh, mostly due to the lack of effects such as partials and animations in the landscape everything felt quite clunky thats not a good fit for the kinda shooter your trying to make.

well done for being the only game that has a boss as well as an introduction. and for like your second game (correct me if im wrong) its far from the worse thing ive seen. if you could add a bit more tone and clean a few things up it could be THE best in the jam but at this point its just one of the best. :P

Thank you for the constructive criticism. It will help me make better games in the future. :D

your more than welcome.