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iiiiiiiIIIT'S CHALLENGE TIME! Hosted by yours truly, Vance! (me!)


Here is an example: ('Tis I!)

look at this idiot 

thats me

the lesbian that sketches in every other class except for art class, and in art class she just talks with her friends

-currently navigating junior high, with much difficulty, especially in the way of being social

-her (real) friends only exist online, not in the real realm! although her "friends" irl don't invite her anywhere and don't even text or talk to her

-she draws a lot, and her right hand is constantly covered with graphite. you can normally tell what kind of thing she's been working on, because if it's edgy, then plenty of red marker stains dance around her fingers.

-she loves indie music with her entire being, especially artists like oliver tree, flora cash, mother mother and sub urban

-her gf broke up with her november 2019 and she's still not over it. what an i d i o t.

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and believe it or not, there's a binder under there!💛 (btw I do have braces I just can't edit pics on my chromebook. well I can, I'm just to lazy to.)

godd it was hard to make myself this game is not compatible for monster dudes

 He loves to draw and wishes he was a sentient lemon tree. 

If you request art he'll draw it for you! Or if you don't! He's going to draw your amazing OC whether you like it or not!

Just the trans boy at your school that's wayyyy to nervous and gay to use the men's bathroom. He constantly has his headphones on, so good luck getting his attention if you're not on the other side of his screen!

He draws in every class and has had multiple occasions where he's found himself drawing in textbooks! 

He plays trombone for the school band and is trying to start back up the LGBT+ group that ended earlier this school year!

isn't friends with anyone outside the LGBT+ spectrum

wants to be a lo fi hip hip guy (and has made 3 good songs!)

has 2 kittens, an old cat, and a dog that wears the cone of shame.

perhaps likes his best friend of 8 years
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Emma has joined

This is me believe it or not

that one girl who has a crush on her girl best friend

She plays trombone in high school at age 13 and is very confused about life and what to do. She is one of those people who draw in class and never pays attention. Loves everything and makes friends with any she make eye contact with but is still prefers being alone in her bedroom for hours at a time.

Most of her friends are part of the LGBTQ+ community and is confused where she falls in it. 

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I think us three could be friends


if you're following me, then I consider you a sort of friend💛

Deleted 4 years ago
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you have just described me

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do you want to see my favourite OC i made

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This is Tyler

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dude I LOVE babymetal

my friend went to a concert and I was super jealous 

she got to see megisune liveeeeee

also I'm going to call you tia now because I like that name and it probably fits you

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yeah, she went with her dad WHO LIKES BABYMETAL

which is insane


bold of you to assume i wouldn't join in >:) 

Tall non-binary child with no idea on how to do  a n y t h i n g

get inhaled in a fandom and won't stop i'll the show/movie stops being updated ( I will scream if Infinity Train doesn't get another season >:( ) 

Reads questionable fanfiction in their free time  

" d a d  c a n  i  g e t  a  b i n d e r "

oh yeah also my name is Em and if you find my dead name i will commit stabby stabby

i wouldnt try, my friend ^^

I don't have a deadname, but i have some trans/enby friends and i know how hard it is sometimes, and i respect y'all so much for continuing to fight <33

Thank you :>

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I've got a deadname, but since it's russian and really confusing to read (looking at you sub teachers) I just say "i go by steven"

also gc2b is having a limited edition trans flag binder, just thought i'd let you know if you want to order one^^

tbh though I get some hate for transitioning to a dude anyways, but since I'm now using he/they pronouns it's gotten worse because transphobes don't think that you can have 2 preferred pronouns


My grandma, distant family, and teachers are the only people I let call me she/her.

I swear every time someone says " I idenTify aS An AttACk hELICoPTer " I get a year cut off of my life just by the sheer rage

there was this one time where I went to a deli with my friend (cis boy) and we stepped up and the guy at the counter was like "what will you two young men be having"

aaaaAAAAAA it was great, and you had to give your name so they could shout out that your order was ready, and since it was pretty early in my transition it was total

°✦°✦ ♀𝓰𝓮𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓻 𝓮𝓾𝓹𝓱𝓸𝓻𝓲𝓪♂ ✦°✦ °

I helped at a homeless shelter before the outbreak and i got called " a nice young man " and i just went " Thanks but n o " ( though i'd rather be called a boy then a girl )

see, I would have truly appreciated this

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Maria,its me.


Hi its good to meet someone similar age to me!

tis I, the socially awkward gremlin

found the shirt and it reminded me of a shirt I currently have so

-likes drawing and editing screenshots

-likes animating a bit

-can not start normal conversations anywhere. Not even with...

Squidward's house. (lol expired meme)

-likes memes of almost all kinds (wholesome memes and perfectly cut screams are favorite)

-owns at least 3 shirts that are way too big for her

-is a huge nerd and read through the entirety of "The Elements" by Theodore Gray (a book about the periodic table) more than once

-goes through many fandoms per year (hence the username)

-is a very imaginative person and can imagine a lot of scenarios in her head

-usually goes off track with her imagination

-picky eater

-has made at least one acceptable chime on google music lab

here's the link if you're interested

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should I edit the periodic table on my shirt to represent one of my really big shirts