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I love the game so far, great job !

So my suggestions are based on a lot of upgrades for the shop like many suggested it already. The upgrades would be listed in the selling/ordering menu under upgrades. [ Ingots Grips Guards Upgrades]

Basicly you get in addition to XP also shop reputation points based on the selling price. Your reputation will unlock shop upgrades and attract more costumers. You might even consider implement modifier on weapons based on your blacksmithing skill. The general modifier names like Basic, Masterful, Legendary would be good. They will modify the selling price of course.

First unlocked upgrades for the shop would be storages. You would be able to upgrade the yard with a ingot stacking storage. They will snap on each other like the ingots do with the anvil. Placing ordered chests with ingots on that area and destroying the chest will even automaticlly stack the ingots. The stacks could look like reallife gold stacks in banks.

Upgrades-> Ingot storage -> Copper Ingot (50)

Tin Ingot (500)

Irong Ingot (5000)


each ore type has increased (balanced price)

The next unlocked upgrade would change the upper shelves in the store to snapping shelves for one hand and two hand guards. same with one hand and two hand grips (work with fancy ones too). They will hold 10 of each.

Upgrades -> shelves -> One hand Guard

Two hand Guard

one hand grip

two hand grip

pole arm grip

Next upgrade would be in the yard sword/hammer head storage racks. they can store 5 of each the style does not matter. Of course snap on. dagger, small blade, large blade, small hammerhead, large hammerhead all nicely stored.

The next suggested upgrade would be a hireling/assistant. He or she will cost daily no matter if you even sell something.

if you give him/her a hammerhead/bladehead he/she will start replicating it in style and in ore if you have the ingot storage and the racks for the finished product.

the next upgrade would be the in front counter displays made functional. they will snap on your specific type weapon and hold it. If a costumer comes buy and wants to order an already displayed one he or she will immediatly get it and your bonus time will be just one second.

Later you would be able to upgrade the displays holding 3 and holding 5 of each kind.


These were my upgrade the store suggestions that will reduce flying or stuck items and make the store look organized.

other ideas were given you by some people with allowing higher tier of items : altars (f.e.magic weapons)

it can be combined with my idea of upgrading/reputation system

Some other suggestions here:

1. make a ingame handbook snapped in one of the shelves that can be browsed through with mouse wheel, it will contain your level, your reputation if you do implement that, the chance of higher modifier being made if you do implement that, and of course all your sheets and tutorial advisements you find on the walls and the little papers there.

2. maybe make the furnance use up fuel, higher ore need more pricey fuel, fuel may increase modifier chance?

f.e. wood, coal, fire essence, soul fragments

3. maybe get later ingame bulk orders by kings(via mail) 10 small swords please! you have to put them in a special delivered crate. order time is increased of course

4. maybe craft unique and one time items/upgrades for the player - one ingot ->hammer head->blacksmith hammer

the higher tier the hammer the faster/higher chance for better modifier

hope you can see just even one of my suggestion as useful. Keep the good work up!!

Hey Sover88,

That's a very in depth suggestions. I'll write it down and look over it a few times. You can also go to my Trello page to leave any more suggestions you might have.

Thank you!!