Lol Yeah apologies on the sound. I was suppose to be working with my friend for the jam to do the audio and sounds but due to technical problems we were unable to and since im terrible at audio and sounds i left it til last minute to focus on the core gameplay and attempt the options menu which later became the credits menu. I had a few bumps but i did get the volume slider working just encase people hated the sounds hahaa... But yeah I agree that the sound and settings were the two minor downsides to the game due to time restraints but like i said in another post with only having 3 days these kinds of things happen and should be used as a learning curve... like now next time my friend orders a monitor for her pc, to pester her to buy a cable too! XD
Thank you for the review and im glad that its gameplay translated well... The original intent was to make it simple in concept but add an element that would cause the player to rethink how they play those sorts of games while slowly over the course of the game introduce the (7 i believe in total) enemy variants and the 4 bosses to further create a sense of difficulty and panic, each enemy being easy on their own but only become obnoxious and difficult when combined together and added with the balancing act above you! :)