quick star surveyor update!!
i added a sit-down idle animation because...welll...i thought it would be really cute if the astronaut took a seat and observed the planet she was on if you left her to her own devices.

i also added (a little after that other gif obviously) the first draft of a background for the forest biome. im still not a fan of it, but i worked on it for a long time today and its to a point where i can be happy with it when im moving around testing other stuff. (thats the astronauts home planet in the background there)
third and final thing, that is also pretty impossible to gif--
so before the plan was to have the treetops -> forest -> caves -> swamp biomes. but because of the kind of crisis ive had recently in realizing certain parts of the game just arent fun, ive decided to scrap the cave biome and move its content to its other two neighbouring biomes. this way i can have more diverse biomes without making a whole ton of work for myself. it also works out because having some cave-specific creatures and plants exist in the forest biome means the player gets a bit of a teaser to the kinds of things they'll be able to scan when they finally get their drill ability.