Dude. Please. Read the rules again.
This is an exclusive jam which means that entries made to both this jam and others will be removed unless otherwise allowed by the organizers (Stern Flowers).
Yes, switched it, will try to be nice, you know, I should say thank you for your patience, first, of all . . .
I was thinking of watching some old movies today, try and improve them, as a game idea, do you have any favorite old movies, I could see if I could OCD-autistically improve them, use this, in a game, anyway will watch good movies today, action, fantasy, thriller, and try to come up with some characters and, stories . . . Was thinking of watching Neverending story, like the idea of a character finding and, being sucked into a book, or maybe a DVD, or a music CD . . . :OO <3 <3
Let me know if you need any ideas, for a game, I'm not good at coding, or really engine stuff, but I am sort of good at making new characters, and stuff, if you want to make some super-heroes, I have some you can borrow, for your own stories, if you like . . .
The models are simple, and I will explain the characters, anyway, if you want to make something, or need some ideas, can I ask what did you have in mind, for the game, Your game <3 :D
So, if there's a movie you want me to see or, so or, also if you have some things you need scanned, with 3D scanner, like a rock, or something from a hardware store or, something cheap, you can find on amazon.co.uk ( no more than 20 - 40 pounds ) that you would like scanned, if I can use it, or it's fun, I will order it, have a little too much money this month, anyway something we might both be able to use, like a model car, or a train, or so . . . I'll upload the full 80 megabyte scan, anyway . .
If you want me to scan some rocks, or stuff in the natural world, let me know, I'll see what I can find . .
What game did you have in mind, once we know the theme I was thinking of getting some stuff, to scan, something really detailed, anyway let me know what you need, I might need it to, or could change my game a LITTLE bit, to fit it in <3 Just remember, no addresses, no information, I BUY it, and send you a link, to the scan, I think that's the best way to do it, that's that . . .
Anyway, what game have you been thinking about making . .. ?? <3
Anyway, ask me if you need anything, I can do most things . . . .
EDIT : TRYING to learn it, I don't think others will see this, it's a problem with OCD, when it's hard to have more than ONE, or two ideas in head at same time, sort of . . Wish we knew the theme, will watch some old action movies, to get some general ideas, for fun stuff, random ideas . .