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(2 edits) (+3)

I love this story predominantly because I am not a furry, nor is the human character. Yet he falls in love with Amicus not because he's some beast but because of who he is. The two titular characters build a bond based on shared experiences and trauma and they find love for one another in this process. I like that the human character isn't some 'thirsty for canine dick' individual. This is a genuine love story that could easily wrap around a human to human narrative.

Along with that, I think the illustration style is perfect for tying the entire lore and narrative together. It helps define the world and each character perfectly.

The human character did at times annoying me with his stubbornness to certain things, but that said you can see that it's almost a commentary on humanity's own stubbornness. We're continually questioning things, even sometimes when it's not needed.

I am rather sad that the story ends. Emotionally, I connected with it to such an extent, however I look forward to the next installation.

This is a great story and I think that almost anyone can enjoy it.