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(2 edits) (+1)

I'd first think of what kind of demographic would your game appeal too. Do research on social media about other games on like twitter to see what other successful posts art like that you might be able to make note of. There is also Reddit and maybe a community for your kind of game. I'd recommend having a complete product or a demo page of some kind before posting on reddit. There are also forums that allow for created game posts, but I cannot think of one for mobile party games off the top of my head.

Social media is your friend.

I'm by no means an expert though, these are just a few things I'd do if I were marketing a game of my own.


We'll definitely be looking into where and how we could use social media most effectively. Right now for example we're hoping to be able to encourage people to send feedback via twitter so we could answer it somewhat publicly so that people could see that work is done on the game.

Reddits also something we've started to look into. There's quite a lot of subreddits where marketing your stuff is not encouraged (for good reason I believe) and we don't want to jump in there only for marketing purposes but hopefully we'll find some way to get some feedback and traction there as well.

We'll also be looking for a good forum specifically for our type of game. Will try and post it here if we find one.

Thanks for your great suggestions!

 - Pullis, ticca programmer