Good: a great and original concept, simple and innocent in design but complex to play and master. The graphics are simplistic, so people with poorer GPU's(me) can run it.
Bad: The controls are a bit iffy. Sometimes you can move freely on your base plate, sometimes you can't and there's not much indication for when you'll be able to move. Collision is also off, the mouse icon will highlight, signifying I can attach there, but I click and then suddenly the collision detection goes away.
A great idea and will make for amazing YouTuber/streamer-bait in its current state, but I think some slight refining to the controls would make the game 10 times more enjoyable to play. I will be keeping an eye on this game, it has potential!
Oh and one last thing: anyone else having SteamVR open whenever you launch the game? Is that just me? Very strange.