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(1 edit) (-1)

i got a challenge, the challenge is scary, honestly ill make challenges until i don't dot anymore ideas just reply to me, this is practice round so , next round will have winners!!!!!! if you reply if your in ill answer you back as soon as i can and then after that you can proceed and make your character...                                          this my example of the challenge theme. rules: don't copy other peoples                 characters or you are aromatically disqualified from this game.                                       another rule is have fun. that's all


im sorry, but what are we supposed to do? your wording is slightly confusing, but I assume you are asking us to simply comment under here asking to be entered?

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like we comment a prompt for a monster character we want...

and they make it for us...?

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Oh sh*t (is that allowed can i do that) that was all over the place 

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But i might get in trouble by you guys coz this is a wholesome comment section 

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well i am a teen who never swears dude

i'm too wholesome

yeah, i have no idea what that meant...

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u design a monster that is scary