Hi, thanks for taking time to check out the game! I’ve seen that bundle before and skimmed through it looking to see if it might be a good fit, but the art styles are a bit too hi-res for my kind of projects. I am focusing more on doing my own art going forward as opposed to using other folks’ assets for future work, anyways.
Fire Emblem is definitely one of many sources of inspiration for this game! The original idea was to make a Fire Emblem-style game I could play with my friends, though it has morphed into more of its own thing since then with a lot of other influences (DOS2, 40k, etc). I don’t know where a good place to post about it on this FE site would be and I’m pretty bad at shilling my own stuff and it’s not exactly a fangame, so I’ll take a look around and see if there’s a place that makes sense.