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Hey Dante, sorry to bother you but could you please explain to me how the bcc app works ?

(1 edit)

So I'm not Dante, but I think I can help. I I'm gonna assume that the mechanics of the interface is not what's eluding you but how to make money on it is. 

The bcc app allows you to invest in bitcoin, obvs. Like any commodity, to make money you want to buy low and sell high. Put in some money and then use it to buy some, and the next day it'll be worth a little more or a little less. You might get lucky and have a few good days in a row and be able to sell for a few percentage points. You could play this like the RNG that it is, or... 

The MC has an inside track . Through the laptop, under the shopping menu, there is an entry called "Favours from Bogdanoff". Then there are three options inside: reset (sets to $10 per share), pump (add $100 to each share), and dump (reduce share price by 20%). Mostly you're gonna want the first 2. The 20% thing is a red herring. 

I found the most efficient thing was this. Save up a good amount of money by normal grindy means. You need at least 110 dollars to break even, but you'll see much bigger benefits quickly if you can hold out even just to 200. Then buy as much bcc as you can while reserving 100 bucks. Then spend those hundred bucks to tell Bogdanoff to pump it. Your bcc is now worth 11 times what you bought it for. 

Sell your shares and then wait till the next day. Tell Bogdanoff to reset and again buy as much as you can, reserving 100 bucks again. Next day, tell him to pump it and sell again. You can earn 1000% every two days doing this. You'll quickly find that money is not an issue anymore. 

Assuming you start with 200 bucks, you'll have about 1100 the next day. Feed everything back in (100 to reset, buy 900, 100 to pump) and you have 9900. Whenever you need money just take it out and keep investing the rest; after the first couple of cycles you're golden. 

Currently I have upto 1000 in cash and when I buy it i get about 1.5784 in bcc but when I try to sell it it tells (hmmm not enough)

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Perhaps my assumption was wrong. Sorry about that, bud. 

On the bcc app screen you'll see 4 buttons (and a help (?) icon in the top right corner):

Withdraw & Deposit at top

Buy & Sell at bottom

Using the app is a 4 step process:

1. (Deposit): Load MC's currency into app. You'll see it raises your buying power in set increments. Click the (?) icon in the top right corner to change the increment. 

2. (Buy): Converts all deposited funds to BCC 

<This is where you'd get Bogdan off to pump it>

3. (Sell): Converts all BCC to funds (money sits in app) 

4. (Withdraw): Withdraws funds in the same increment as deposit. Again, click the (?) icon to change the increment. 

I don't know what's going wrong for you though I would suspect perhaps you did not sell before attempting to withdraw? 

Hopefully this helps, man. Sorry for misunderstanding your question earlier. 

it's alright 😊

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Really Sorry to bother you , but I came to the problem , I have deposited 1450  dollars and bought some around 1.4789 btc  but when I sell it it says  ( not enough) so that means I can't sell the btc , but then again how much btc should I have to sell successfully?  

Looks like Dante sorted you out. Sorry about that n_n;

its all good , well the solution i guess is to install the next update. I guess that's the only way out, in my case that's 0.55

Deleted post

click withdraw!