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Just played the tutorial level of 2.0.0 on Valve Index. So far my complaints are: inability to invert Y axis look to "proper" 6DOF control makes it feel awkward, unless I simply missed it in the options; the menu seems erratic to navigate and I'm frequently losing where the supposed cursor is; the sound effect for changing weapon is very harsh and the volume varies *dramatically*, to the point of pain for me when volume is otherwise set normally. That and there was a typo for something like 'tutorial.ennemy.message.0' in dialog, where it should be enemy. Not that those are anything but placeholders anyhow, obviously.

Otherwise, it looks promising! Could always do with more Descent successors.


Thanks for your report, the Y axis inversion is available on the quest version, I need to update the PC version too. I'll fix the translation issue too.