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made an acc just to say how much i love this game 

normally a game of this quality would cost at LEAST 40 euro on steam but the fact that it's free is REALLY suprising. Normally while playing a vn i skip trough to see how long it takes till i can actually make a choice but for the first time i din't with this game! It managed to grab my attention right from the start and this game really is a master piece!! 

I'm excited to see any futher games if they are someday released


I appreciate your efforts of sharing your thoughts!

I started as an illustration artist and shared my work on social media. I thought creating a game is similar to sharing my artwork and occasional journal posts. Besides, it's my first published writing so I hope more people can access it and enjoy. The first menu choices were very soon. It's something that I always look forward to when starting a VN.

Thank you for your support!