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(1 edit)

Cool concept! Swinging my triple dancing swords like a keychain was a lot of fun xD

One downside was the random duck positioning: with no way to move it, the duck falling in the middle makes the game MUCH easier than the duck far to the left. Or did I miss something?

Also, it seems like all waves only consist of small and large kubes (or so it seemed after ~50 waves), which gets kinda repetitive :)  With more enemies, this can be very addicting!

"All good things come in threes" (I have a third sword but it's not very visible)


Thanks for the feedback! Haha love the screenshot!

The ducks are spawning randomly at the the of the screen so it can get quite difficult. Now that I think about it, maybe it would have been best if I stuck them in a cage instead? No? :D

Sadly I only had two days to work on this so I didn't get the time to add more enemies. I would've loved to of added something like skeletons or some sort of flying enemies.

....Wow wave 50! I don't think even I played it that much haha. Glad you enjoyed it!