Alright, to influence less people in their voting I've decided to leave my review here on instead.
Well, the box didn't lie it was about 5 minutes. First impressions:
- I'm not a fan of strictly text-based game jam submissions, as I'm someone whose fallen into the trap of converting some of mine into this format at the last second just to have any content at all. But I do like Twine. You did add a couple of mini-games so that's nice.
Further Comments:
- On innovation I won't be giving anything too high, while meta commentary is uncommon in the jam-game genre, it's so popular in writing that somehow this game seemed a lot less original than it probably is. It really reminded me of which is supposed to "tell the story of a programmer struggling with balancing his job/game-dev ambitions" but it was obviously a commentary for the mindset of someone participating in a jam. I'd highly recommend you play it a bit for some nice ideas on what other analogies you could have sneaked in here. But again, your game was only about 5 minute--
- Except that it loops forever! Not an issue though, that was definitely intentional on your part and acceptable on mine as the player, since it gave me a second chance to replay the games I'd lost before; unlike an average jam entry which is typically unrefreshable or has some other finicky behavior when you replay it.
- Good job, you caught my attention! I think the game's strongest suit was its humor, because this was what I enjoyed the most out of it. It wasn't the level of meta commentary, it wasn't the mini games, what made the game fun for me was what made it funny.
Nice job, I wish you the best of luck (^_^)