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I love the last stand set up going on here. The shooting was satisfying, and I appreciated having a weapon selection, which might not've been the case for a jam game. I wasn't sure how to use the grenades, though. The difficulty ramped up super slow, I was often just waiting around for something to get in my eyeline for murderin'. I'm not sure if they  maybe were getting stuck somewhere on the level geometry, because it sounded like they were all over the place. But the difficulty definitely ramped up once my ammo started running out. On the subject, it would've been nice to know how much ammo I had, but you may have been going for a more realistic feel to the game.


Thanks for playing! Really appreciate the feedback! I think most of the issues was from the game being non-optimized, the lack of ramp-up in difficulty was because of the game lagging  I believe. Thanks again!