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welp… you just curb stomped my idea with a far better one. that plot with an assassin killing the king/ and maybe queen is really good. and what makes it really cool is that this plot of your acually almost happens to the main charecter. but it failed because ryen is a good fighter… i can already imagian what ryen will say when he learns and is asked what he thinks about the assassination would be “Its sad that they/he was kill by assassins. it almost happend to me as well but i just got lucky.” or something along that line.

oh i just thought of something that could be added to this plot to make it more interesting. the group that assassinates them could blame the people that rescuse slave for the death of the king and lable them as extreamist to make them a scape goat. which will also pull brad in as well and could also be how you learn about the assassination.

I love your idea about bringing in the slave savers?? they really need a name for their group.

I'm glad you seem to like my idea about the assassins!

(1 edit)

well mostly i thought about the slave saver people because i kind of want to see some charecter development or at least some personal missions for your male party members. just look at trey, all he got for development was one mission that was really short and did not tell you much about him. and i just simply thought it would be a good jumping off point for a personal mission for brad. he dosent even have a mission for you unlike trey.