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(1 edit)

Thank you so much for playing and for the feedback.

To address your first question, We love Regency period Dramas, but we also didn't want to ignore the downsides to being in such a closed insular community, where gossip is as much entertainment as it is a weapon.  Society, in Truths Untold, is like an every looming force always looking over your shoulder and judging, with a thousand eyes and mouths.  Because of this, the social pressure to conform and not step outside the norm of what society expects is enormous.  The Davenbury community is not progressive or inclusive (which is not something we endorse personally just better served the story.) Davenbury is the sort of community where even the rumor of impropriety is enough to permanently stain your reputation and potentially have you ostracized.  So in service to this, we made an artistic choice to have our story take place within a homogeneous population, in order to highlight the pressure and just how slight a deviation from proper decorum, has severe ramifications.

Also, thank you so much for your insight to the French language. It was indeed helpful and we will change the capitalization, as we were wondering about that ourselves. And the accent over the “E.” 

We really appreciate anyone taking the time to play and comment, so need to apologize for the length. 

~CrowOfWhimsy and CoffeeCat

I'm glad the diversity angle is something you're considering and incorporating into your themes; I definitely didn't mean to make any demands, I was just curious what way you intend to take your story in regards to that, so thank you for the clarification! Again, I love the game so far, so thank you for sharing it and for all your hard work!