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(1 edit) (+6)

Can I just say, you all have been amazing. Your detailed comments and questions have been great. I will try to address a few that have repeatedly come up:

1. In case you missed the devlog, we changed the font. Please let us know if it’s easier to read now.

2. If you choose to accept Worthington’s proposal it will definitely change the course of the game. That isn’t to say you’ll never see the other suitors again. But if your feelin’ Mr. Worthington, “yes” is a good answer to give him 😉 There is a reason we put his proposal where we did. I don’t want to give any more spoilers but I understand your curiosity about this. 

3. (Taken from CrowOfWhimsy’s response)

About the shaking in the carriage during the opening.  It is actually supposed to be the jostling of the carriage as it moves down the road.  I can see how it would be confusing, though, since we don't have the sound effects yet (which hopefully will make that more clear.)  And, the reason it triggers after clicks is that when I programmed the scene, I was brand new to coding, so I didn't know how to do a timed loop yet. (I can go back and fix it to be a timed loop if that would help make it clearer.)    However, Nat and I actually have a question for everyone about this topic.  Is the shaking too distracting?  Or will it be immersive once we add in the SFX?  If most of you find it distracting, we can remove the carriage jostle entirely, and it will just be a static image. (I'll ask this in a devblog too, so everyone can answer over there.)

Thanks again,

<span class="s1" <thanks="" again!<="" span=""></span>

~CoffeeCat & CrowOfWhimsy

Yes!  The font is so much easier to read!  Thank you so much! 

(and thanks for answering my curisoity, guess I'll just have to play the full version to see what happens...

(1 edit)

Yay! We are so glad it is easier to read. Thanks for giving us the feedback so we could make it better! 

And you are welcome :)


Hi! Thanks so much for being so quick when responding to comments and for your graciousness when accepting criticism! In regards to the font, it is so much easier to read now! My dyslexia always makes reading a bit challenging, but the font change was a huge help! As for the shaking in the carriage, it did seem a bit out of place at first. However, I think if you added sound effects that lets the player know the carriage is simply jostling around then it will be fine! Keep up the good work and I'm wishing you the best!

(1 edit) (+1)

You are most welcome and we are so glad it is easier to read. You all are the reason we are making this and if you can’t read it that would be the worst so we are happy to oblige. We wanted to have this beta demo for this very reason so we appreciate the honest feedback. Thanks again and we appreciate it. 


Thank you for changing the font.  It's much easier.   Also, thanks for the clarification on Worthington.   

No problem ☺️