RPG Maker games are always really great and I love seeing what creative things people are able to do with an accessible game development tool. I think this game fits into the theme well! I didn't get very far as the machines are very difficult to avoid - as you said it is a little frustratingly difficult! But I do like how you've set the scene for a horror game and I hope that you continue using this platform.
The intro was very polished and showed a lot of proficiency with what RPG Maker can do. As for feedback, there were times where the camera didn't centre on the speaker in dialog which made the flow of conversation a little disjointed. I feel a little more time establishing who the characters were could have been helpful, as some of the banter was confusing, but I like how you gave the characters their own personalities. Hopefully I can finish this game eventually to see what they're all about!
Thanks for submitting Squammo to the SCREAM MACHINE jam!