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(4 edits) (+1)

Update to the challenge board! (sorry if I’m spamming, peeps seem to enjoy these, and I was thinking of some more challenges that I’ve done.)

#1- Three emoji challenge (you use three emojis to make a girl.)

#2- Light source challenge (you create a light source, and try to color your girl like the source actually exists. Difficult but fun.)

#3- Fixer-upper challenge (you take a randomized girl and fix her up.)

#4- In the dark challenge (you set the background to complete darkness, and make some parts black for a neat effect.)

#5- Neon challenge (make a neon girl!)

#6- Parts challenge (someone gives you a template of a few parts, all white. You have to use those parts to make a girl)

#7- Yeet’s Rage challenge (make one of your girl’s appearances different by putting them into rage mode.)

#8- Iemonn’s fav emoji challenge (make a girl off of your favorite emoji!)

#9- Smash up challenge (combine two or more of your favorite girls!)

#10- Upside-down challenge (make it look like your girl is upside down.)

#11- Maximum challenge (use as many accessories in one girl without it looking bad.)

#12- Two faced challenge (make your girl have one half of her be something different than the other half.)

#13- Pigment challenge (Go to: Generate a random word, and then search the web for that word. Use the first image from the word, then go to Then use the color palette from whatever image you found to make a girl!)

Tell me if you have a challenge idea, and I’ll add it!

I combined haruhi and another girl without a name

Love it!

If any of you guys wanna do the parts challenge, here’s a base to start you off!

(1 edit)


i so keeping her

number 6

She’s amazing!


uh i tried to do the maximum challenge but it did not workkkk


that’s awesome

it was super hard because i don't like giving my girls a lot of detail haha

I think it worked

huzzah *ief*

Applause *ief*

*bows ief*

*standing ovation ief*

yes it did amazing!

yours def came out better buuuut here’s mine 

:o nah bro that looks cool

we just did different themes!

thanks :)

oh btw, my name is lemonn (the L is actually an uppercase i)

no one really notices, but if you were to write ny name out in handwriting, it would look like this:


see, i pulled a sneaky on ya

ohgod I’ve been snekked


the sneak hath arrived

*shook ief*

*sneaky ief*

*so shook that it needs to be in a extremely extreme fashion*

so there's iEef now? (in ETREMELY extreme fashion)


imma use it anyway


combines these two OCs

I like it!

Here’s my parts bab!




Awww, thanks!

Creepy bear

i did the first one😍🐻🔪


i did what i could for number 4

I love the colors and the eyes!

How about You can only use one color?( back and white doesn't count, you can use any shade of that one color.) 

can I have some parts?